300 tonns of Helge Ingstad to Nordic Circles
NordScrap won the decommision contract from the Norwegian Royal Navy to dismantle Helge Ingstad. We are proud that NordScrap and the Norwegian Government have agreed to sell us 300 tonns of steel. With it we have enhough material to fullfil our goals for next year.
We believe this contract is an important signal from the Norwegian Government that they support our goals to create a new green industry upcycling steel products. And it also a proof that the decommision industry in Norway have the skills and will to deliver raw material for an new upcycling industry.
300 tonns might sound a lot, but its a small amount compared to the potential in the industry. There is about 12 billion tonns of steel that are beeing dismanted every year. Only in the North Sea there is 600.000 tonns of oil rig steel that will be decommissioned the next years. Norway has the fifth largest fleet in the world, still most of the steel is decommisioned in Asia, and even many of our ships end up on the beaches in Bangladesh. Less than 1 % is sent to decommission in Europe.
Our ambition is to make it lucerative to send ships to be upcycled in Norway. At the West coast we can use the highly skilled subsea and maritimt steel industry to transform ships and oil rigs into new high value steel products. We have already proved that it can be done. With steel from Helge Ingstand we can a nother step towards a scalable and sustaiable green industry.